June-July, 1947
Howdy Everyone
Marge here asked me to write a bit on my husband's show business, so -- one night while looking through some pictures, I had him tell me of his experiences. Here are some of the notes I got -- When my husband Art joined the Army in 1941, he was put in the ATC -- Army Transport Command Service. He started his career by first entertaining members of his outfit. Then he went on to producing and directing shows at Morrison Field in West Palm Beach, Florida. Heplayed in 5 main shows to Civilian Audiences where the seats sold for $100 apiece. Later he did shows in the Bahamas, South America and Cuba. He specialized in Comedy, Pantomimes, magic and fire-eating.
In 1943, he did a Command Performance before the Duke and Duchess of Windsor in Nassau, also took pictures with them. Art had the leading role in the stage production of "Room Service" and George Abbott, the Broadway producer of this play and also of "Three Men On a Horse" came backstage and said they were sensational! He toured the Pacific Area with it and had a three-day run at the "Theatre National" in Cuba where seats sold for $200-$400 apiece for box seats.
Art teamed up with another great comedian --Eddie Girlock -- whom Yours Truly had the pleasure of meeting this summer when he was playing a week's engagement at the Rialto Theater here in Chicago.
Well, Readers, I guess that's about all I gathered except that Art and I both did a few small shows here in the city last summer and winter. Also, Art had a weeks booking at the "Swingtown."
Welll, we both enjoy the "Clarion" and think Marge is a good Editor. Until next issue, I'll say Adios for now. ----- Rose
Howdy Members
Well, Hennie Bros. staged another great show in Evergreen Park during the week of May 19 and featured Sally Rand.
The "Plainsmen" which consists of Bob and Bill Maitzen (formerly known as the Rambling Texas Twins) and Clay Mason can be heard every Saturday afternoon for a half hour from 3:15 on. They've been making quite a few personal appearances and also gave several shows at the Vaughan General Hospital.
Pete Maizek (bright boy of WJOB) was Master of Ceremonies May 24 and was really good! Pete used to entertain at USO shows, rodeos and on the Hammond, Indiana Barn Dance in 1943 -- as did Yours Truly. My husband Art Weygandt and I went to LaSalle, Illinois for a show with Steve Malack (Hawaiian guitar player) and Radio's Dick Hiorns. LaSalle is about 90 miles west of Chicago and the hometown and burial place of "Wild Bill Hickock." On the way home from the show we had an accident but fortunately no one was hurt, not even our little 5 month old Laura Lee. Yes, we took our daughter with us. Breaking her in already. I have hopes she'll be a Western singer some day. Well -- I haven't heard the records Speedy Cooley and Dick Hiorns made -- Dick got two of them -- but they aren't available to the public as yet. Will let you know at a later date.
So, until I ramble on more news down Ohio way, I'll say,
Adios Amigos, Rodeo Rose
September-October, 1947
Howdy Members!
I just have to start out by complimenting Marge on her paper -- and I hope this second year of its publishment will even be bigger and better and bring more new members.
I had a birthday on August 1st and my husband and I took a moonlight cruise on Lake Michigan. It was really a grand trip -- dancing on deck and all.
Well, Sunday, August 10th, Guy Colby will run a square dance out in Santa Fe Park. We were out there a week before -- and it's really a big place and the hall is large enough for a lot of sets of dancers.
Dick Hiorns, formerly of WJOB, Hammond, Indiana, and of WFIN, Findley, Ohio -- made some records with Speed Cooley and they being played over WJJD Chicago, on the Supper Time Frolic. Tune in if you can. Every Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Pete Mazik is Master of Ceremonies on the Hoosier Jubilee Show. He does a one-minute skit with his pal "Hedy" who is really Jennie Rogers. Jenny was on tour with Tex Ritter a few years ago. My old singing partner Rachelle Davis (Rodeo Girls) has an addition to her little family. It's two boys now.
Well, Members, guess that's all now except my little girl Laura Lee has a brand new kerchief and cowboy hat from Denver, Colorado. Her Grandmother bought it for her when she was there in July. So now, we have a cowgirl of 7 months.
See you soon, Adios Amigos -- Rodeo Rose
March-April, 1947
Well, this column won't be long gang because I've been away awhile, but I'll pass on what news I've gathered and shall get more for our next big issue of this swell paper!
I called up Dick Hiorns of the "Cornhuskers" and Dick told me he just finished up a contract at the High Hat Club here and has received an offer to go to Hollywood. He hasn't decided yet what he was going to do about i! He also made some recordings with Speed Cooley and his gang which will sell for 79 cents apiece. I'll be sure to state more about these records in the next issue. They will be on the market soon, so you can look for them.
Jack Davis, who is one of the "Smokey Mountain Brothers" is down in Tennessee now while his brother Sam is remaining here in Chicago until Jack gets set on the station there. Sam and his wife Rae, who sang with Yours Truly in 1943, will be expecting Mr. Stork for the second time around March.
I guess some of you readers have heard of the tragedy which took place here, by Allen Crockett, who was one of the WLS "Prairie Ramblers." The way I got the story was that Allen came home one night and shot himself to death. Red Foley and Eva came in from Nashville to attend the funeral. The other Prairie Ramblers were the pall bearers. I knew Allen fairly well and he always was a great kidder. He played the fiddle with the Rambler, and has two sons. Everyone was shocked to hear the news and I know that all who knew him or saw him on the National Barn Dance will miss him and remember him as the fellow who sang the solos and joked a lot!!!
I kind of fell behind on the news except for the above becauase I got ourselves a little girl. She was born on December 30th and we named her Laura Lee. We're so dog-goned proud of her that I'm afraid if I don't let it go at that -- Marge will throw out the column, because I would like to tell you exactly what she's like and how beautiful we think she is. She's 3 weeks old at this writing and already she wants to stand and raise herself up. And -- Oh, yes, Marge -- you do have other columns I know. Well, anyhow Gang -- Take my word for it I'll get to tell you more about her when Marge lets me have about 5 columns! (joke!)
Adios for now! Rodeo Rose