Rose Thelma Weygandt
  Well now to write for the best little paper and with a very nice little gal named Irene Nagy for the editor! The Chick Denk Gang is quite a jolly bunch from what I gather. Hope they get some records out as I'm looking forward to etting one, so here's hoping!
  The other day I stopped over to singer Dick Hiorns house to find out if he moved from the nightly singing at the Muriel Lounge which is on Chicago's South Side. He is still there and the people like him a lot.
  He tells me Speed Cooley is feeling pretty good these days after his accident of a few months ago. You know, Dick used to ride past my house in his little red convertible coupe, but now he cruises by in a nice big sedan car! I've been kidding him about buying the sedan. You see the Fan Club is having a geet-together dance for Dick at the Steel City Hall in South Chicago, Illinois and Dick is to take the Weygandts. So, before he got the new sedan we were trying to figure out how we would all get into the little coupe with a guitar in the back window! But now the problem is solved!
  Arthur Weygandt entertained on March 19th at the Nurses Home of St. Luke's Hospital and was quite a hit! He was on at 10 P.M. and the place was quiet wondering what to expect. Then when the jokes started coming fast and funny, the people were really enjoying his act. He did a few funny pantomimes that had the people laughing so hard they were crying!
  Then he sang "Blue Heaven" in two versions. One straight and unfunny and the other five years after being married to me. That was funny. He mussed his hair and made such a funny face that before he started singing the second version they were all laughing!
  Well, members of the Chick Denk Fan Club, I do hope you'll all listen in to Chick and write him letters and all.
  See you all in our next issue. Keep pluggin' the CDFC!
Hillbilly and Popular News
By Rose Thelma Weygandt
  Well! I must say I've been looking forward to writing for the Chick Denk Fan Club, and will tell you the news out this way! There is a golden voiced yodler here named Dick Hiorns, who is an old friend of mine and also a neighbor. He and I have done quite a few shows together during the last five years. Right now Dick has been busy making some recordings for the Aristocrat Company. His latest records are "Teardrops In My Heart," "They're Burning Down the House," "Cool Waters," and Tomorrow Never Comes." "Texas Memories" and "Home in Tennessee" are also some of Dick's records.
    Dick's been in radio for a long time now, and used to be on WJOB, Hammond, Indiana, where we both were on the "Hoosier Jubilee Barn Dance" show. Then he left and went down to WOWO in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and was a member of the Cornhuskers of Findlay, Ohio.
     When the War came, Dick was called and served two years in Africa and Italy. He entertained in the Special Service and also the USO shows until he was bombed. He was wounded and had 19 pieces of schrapnel in his leg. While in the hospital, he wrote a song called "Allied Cannonball."
  When the War was over and he got discharged he came home to Chicago and started to school to learn all he could about the guitar. He is now entertaining six nights a week at a Chicago night club.
  By the way, Dick is a good-looking blond of 26 years, has blue eyes and is single. Dick is such a wonderful singer that I wouldn't have anyone else sing for our wedding but him. He sang "Always."
  Well, members, until we meet again in the next wonderful issue of the Chick Denk Fan Club, I'll just say,
  Adios for now
P.S. We're hoping to meet Rose and her family, Dick, Speed Cooley, Elsie Henry who has the fan club for Dick, and Rex Allen and Dot. All swell folks.