I discovered that Mother was a writer. She was the "Windy City" connection for a few country fan magazines that were published with a nationwide distribution. The style is very folksy and topics center around the barn dance crowd. Pappy Howard, Tex Moon, Dick Hiorns, Tex Ritter, Cowboy Copas, Ernie Lee, Big Slim, The Smoky Mountain Brothers, and the Prairie Ramblers are some of the stars on whom we get the latest goings-on.
Clarion Publisher Marge Rozsos of Oberlin, Ohio gets news from Texas,  Pennsylvania, Missouri, Wyoming, and, of course, Chicago. In one issue, Wyoming correspondent Grace Dean, who became a life-long pen-pal of my mother's, writes:
  "Evanston has been honored this summer by two very sweet little visitors -- the daughters of Roy Rogers have been spending their summer vacation here with their foster mother Mrs. Blanchard Christenson. Her son, a former Evanston resident, doubles for Roy in the movies, and she has been living at Roy's home taking care of his children since Mrs. Rogers' passing last winter."